
Behavior of permit holders

USA Today has this quote:

Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, which opposes open-carry laws: "We don't want more people carrying guns either openly or concealed because the more guns you have in a situation, the more likely you are to get gun violence."

Is there some evidence that Helmke can provide that these individuals are involved in needless or harmful gun violence? If so, I would like to see it. Take Florida for example, 166 firearms related violations that produced revocations out of 1.465 million people that have been given permits. That is a rate of 0.01 percent.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this video clip of a hilarious spoof of gun-free zones and their effects on crime.

Gun-free zones?

If you need a laugh, this is hilarious.

2/12/2009 11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Thomas Sowell puts it, liberal defend policies based on intent, not results. Thus it's not surprising that these folks at the Brady Campaign don't care about the facts. They are out there to prohibit guns, all of them. If innocent people die--as they always will when only criminals and the government can have guns--, they don't care and they won't pay a price. They only care about what they perceive as good intentions.

2/12/2009 1:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

No fair..you're using facts...they cannot deal with that.

2/12/2009 3:11 PM  
Blogger Todd said...

Evidence? LOL facts and evidence just makes things too clear, you can't expect Paulie to oblige.

America's Last Stand

2/12/2009 7:00 PM  
Blogger Chas said...

Markie Marxist sez:

"Helmke said, '...the more guns you have in a situation, the more likely you are to get gun violence.'
We Marxists choose to believe that's true for private gun owners because it suits our gun ban agenda."

"What Helmke left unsaid was his view that, '...the more guns you have in a situation, the less likely you are to get gun violence.' We Marxists choose to believe that's true for government agents, but we don't go around saying it, since we do better by seeming to be against guns generally, even though we are not."

"The reason for the difference, is that we Marxists want to disarm private gun owners, so that only our government agents have guns. That way, our government agents can implement whatever policies we want, whether people like them or not. It makes perfect sense from the Marxist perspective. Guns for us = good; guns for anybody else = bad. It's a communist power thing. Helmke functions as a good communist - he puts out some good propaganda for us. He's pretty slick, with what he says and leaves unsaid! He's got the message down."

2/14/2009 5:21 PM  

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